Billy Attar
Billy Attar
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January 28, 2024

How to Save Links in Google Drive

Since most of our work is online nowadays, all of our files are saved in cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or in other online platforms and websites. In this post, we’ll cover how to save links in Google Drive alongside your files.

Since most of our work is online nowadays, all of our files are saved in cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or in other online platforms and websites. In this post, we’ll cover how to save links in Google Drive alongside your files.

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • Why you should save links in Google Drive
  • How to save links in Google Drive
  • How Neatly is the best way to save links to Google Drive

Why you should you save links to Google Drive

Google Drive is convenient. When you save a file to Google Drive, you can rest assured it will never disappear. It’s easy to access Google Drive files anywhere as long as you can log into your account, be it on your mobile phone or multiple computers.

Saving links to Google Drive offers the same convenience. Google Drive offers an easy way to store and share bookmarks, just like with files. Since most of our work is done online today, it’s very useful to save links to files in platforms like Canva, Notion, Figma, or anywhere else on the web.

How to save a link in Google Drive

Here we’ll explain the standard way to save links to Google Drive. In the next section, we’ll cover an easier way to do it using Neatly.

There are two ways to save a link to Google Drive:

  1. Create a Google Doc or Google Sheet and paste the link URLs into them
  2. Save a pdf version of the webpage and upload it to Google Drive

1. How to save links using Google Docs or Sheets

Step 1. Create a new Google Doc or Google Sheet and give it a good descriptive name

Step 2. Paste the link(s) that you want save in your drive


  • Simple, doesn’t require special software
  • Can save multiple links in one document


  • You need the added step of opening the document to access the link each time
  • Having multiple links in a single document means you need to remember which links are saved in which file
  • Having only one link per file adds a lot of mess to your drive

Learn more: How to Organize Your Company's Google Drive - A Detailed Plan

2. Create a PDF version of the webpage

Step 1. Go to the the page you want to save, click control+p (cmd+p for mac) and choose to print a pdf version of the page. 

Step 2. Upload the PDF to your Google Drive


  • Simple, doesn’t require special software
  • Content remains the same even if web page changes or disappears


  • Requires multiple steps to save each page
  • You won’t see updates to live web page
  • Not as convenient to share a pdf as it is to share a link
  • Uses up more Google Drive space

A better way to save links using Neatly

There’s an easier way to save your links alongside your Google Drive files.

Using Neatly is the alternative way to save links and Google Drive files. Neatly is a digital asset manager (DAM) built on Google Drive. It allows you to save your files wherever you like while keeping them organized with and shared through the Neatly UI.

Neatly lets you create, upload or link to online files

Saving links and Google Drive files in Neatly

Step 1. Copy the URL of the web page you want to save

Step 2. Choose your category in the Neatly dashboard and click “Add File”

Step 3. Paste the URL and you're done!

Now, you can view and share your saved links alongside your Google Drive files. Clicking the link will open the saved web page.

Some examples of how you can use it with links:

  • Saving online references for client projects
  • Saving your latest online media mentions
  • Bookmark blog articles
  • Save shareable links to files from other platforms like Notion, Figma, One Drive or Dropbox

Learn more: Google Drive Digital Asset Management: How to use Google Drive with a DAM

Final thoughts

All of our work is done online today, so we need an online storage solution that can aggregate our different online files and links into one place.

Only Neatly lets you aggregate and share all your Google Drive files & links in one convenient location.

Want to try it for free? Sign up here.

Billy Attar
Billy Attar
Hey there. I'm Neatly's founder, a 4 time first marketing hire, a hack-a-solution enthusiast & a Turkish coffee snob.